Each session is unique. With that being said, expect a break from the constant chatter of your mind. This is a time to slow down and get quiet so you can clearly hear and connect with your Internal Guidance. It is truly like you are tuning your awareness to another radio station...a peaceful, loving radio station. :) I play the part of your mind by asking the questions and you receive peaceful loving answer from your IG. It is also a time to release emotional weight. If you want to hear some examples, check out the podcast episodes linked above.
We have all experienced heavy emotions at one time in our lives that we didn't allow ourselves to fully feel in that moment. Many times, that energy stays in our body as emotional weight. There is nothing wrong with you. We all have them. We did what we had to do at that moment to "survive." Well, in pure awareness it is safe to release that energy and the IG guides us through the whole process! It can seem scary to the mind but once you truly feel it, it only takes a few minutes and is released from your body. You feel so light afterward! :)
For some, it may take longer to find that connection but I know in my core that we all have an Internal Guidance (aka Intuition). Check out the video below on common reason why you are not hearing your Internal Guidance.
Of course! You can try out 1 session for $111 or 4 sessions for $333 (one for free).
I record the whole thing for you to listen to again & again at your leisure. :)